Advanced Spiritual Healing, Medical Intuition, Intuitive Readings and Lifelong Learning

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Allow Love to be your Guide.


I believe that we are all masters in the making, we are each an artist of the Spirit and can become a mystic of the 21st century. It is my hope and prayer that by me expressing the depth of love within me – in whatever forms offered here – that you shall be engaged, encouraged and become more inspired and open to the God-given gifts and talents within yourself.

May you experience peace, healing and serenity.

Have a beautiful day!


May 16, 2011

Love's Door

Love's Door
Love will always wait for you and everyone else too. - Lisa


michelle said...

:-))mmm so much in this picture,,your 'soul' seems to be speaking here,,may the doors of your soul open again and the "divinity of love" gently touch your heart filling it with pure divine blissxxx

Lisa A. Blackman said...

Dearest Michelle,

Thank you, sweetheart for taking the time to come and look at what I post here and go deep within the image. This is the porch to my studio and the mood that I felt yesterday when I woke. There is a lot going on here and so much of my soul is present. Bless you and your pure heart.


michelle said...

:-),,,i love coming here,,you know that,,it is like a secret garden,,where pure divine essence,love, inspiration,,true pure BLISS,,thank YOUxxx

PS AND i come here wen i feel 'your' heart is sad and is speaking of that which has no words,,xx

Lisa A. Blackman said...

It is like a "Secret Garden" just like our hearts and souls as they grow and evolve. I do come here when I need to be quiet and aware. When my other pages become too busy...when I wish to offer a little bit more. I know you too are an empath and we need to build these spaces for ourselves and others to come and be nurtured. It is a much quieter space where I can feel just your essence right now. And I know you too can feel that. Like a private meeting with the Divine. Loving you, sweetheart. xox And thank you too for loving me, of course I can feel that. You are healer.:)

michelle said...

:-))YES,yes yes,,"garden of pure divine bliss"",,simplicity, truth,, a place to reconnect are vital,,you are feeling better, my heart is smilingxx

It was YOU who held My heart and loved when it was sad,,so now when your heart speaks mine listens and feelsxxx

(ps im no healer,,im just "Michie" a wild child of the earth hahaha)

Lisa A. Blackman said...

Oh honey, you do have the heart of a healer. I know that well.:) But we all express and offer that in different ways. I had no idea what I did for you but just be myself and utilize my intuition and when we do that eventually it is so natural a part of us we don't know what we are doing most of the time:) xoxo

michelle said...

:-)Being "who" you are is "perfect",, i honour and thank you for your pure presence, your truth, your light and your Divine Love,,Namastexxx

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