Advanced Spiritual Healing, Medical Intuition, Intuitive Readings and Lifelong Learning

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Allow Love to be your Guide.


I believe that we are all masters in the making, we are each an artist of the Spirit and can become a mystic of the 21st century. It is my hope and prayer that by me expressing the depth of love within me – in whatever forms offered here – that you shall be engaged, encouraged and become more inspired and open to the God-given gifts and talents within yourself.

May you experience peace, healing and serenity.

Have a beautiful day!


Apr 23, 2011

Speaks For Itself
 Happy Easter!  This is the time of year when I am flooded with memories of someone very dear to my heart and I listen very closely and I feel so very deeply and I need to be alone and very quiet because much comes to the surface that has been waiting to be resurrected. - Lisa A. Blackman

1 comment:

michelle said...

My heart and soul feel for you and i send you much love during this time,,may you be surrounded by angels of light and love hold your heart tightxxx

  This time is all about the revelation of Truth and Justice for all.  It is coming so be calm and focused and breathe with the knowing of t...